Consulting as a Service Subscription | Agency | 11mo | VivaCommerce

Sale Price:US$5,000.00 every month for 11 months Original Price:US$6,820.00 every month for 11 months

Under this agreement, clients have access to all advisory services offered by Greenwood Consulting.

This includes but is not limited to:

  • Assisting with product/platform reviews, product roadmap development and identifying/achieving product<>market fit

  • Assisting with creation of GTM (Go To Market) strategy and category development

  • Assisting with development and introduction of a reseller/referral partnership model

  • Assisting with identifying, introducing and executing beneficial tech partnerships

  • Independent directorships on boards/advisory boards


Under this agreement, clients have access to all advisory services offered by Greenwood Consulting.

This includes but is not limited to:

  • Assisting with product/platform reviews, product roadmap development and identifying/achieving product<>market fit

  • Assisting with creation of GTM (Go To Market) strategy and category development

  • Assisting with development and introduction of a reseller/referral partnership model

  • Assisting with identifying, introducing and executing beneficial tech partnerships

  • Independent directorships on boards/advisory boards

Under this agreement, clients have access to all advisory services offered by Greenwood Consulting.

This includes but is not limited to:

  • Assisting with product/platform reviews, product roadmap development and identifying/achieving product<>market fit

  • Assisting with creation of GTM (Go To Market) strategy and category development

  • Assisting with development and introduction of a reseller/referral partnership model

  • Assisting with identifying, introducing and executing beneficial tech partnerships

  • Independent directorships on boards/advisory boards

  • Our subscription plans have an associated fair use policy, which is up to 15 hours of services delivered within a calendar month.

    We track monthly hours delivered for the purpose of managing the fair use policy but it does not affect subscription billing rates during a given term. As part of our fair use policy there is a realistic expectation that a client may fall slightly over or under (defined as +/- 20% usage of the fair use policy) the fair use policy on a month to month basis and this is already accounted for within our plan structure.

    If a client substantially exceeds the fair use policy on a routine basis (defined as 2 or more consecutive months of 20%+ of fair use overage), then Greenwood Consulting reserves the right to terminate the agreement with one month’s advance notice at its sole discretion.

    Should a client require a more generous fair use policy, then Greenwood Consulting are happy to discuss an appropriate custom subscription plan/rate.