E167: 🎓Mentoring Moments #12 | Evolving an ICP, Declining Business Respectfully, Risks of Toxic Customers, Building Confidence, Planning a Career in Digital and More!


In the ever-evolving world of eCommerce, staying ahead of the curve can be a daunting task. With the global economy facing uncertain times, businesses, especially agencies, are in a constant tug of war between growth and sustainability. However, one of the key strategies to navigate this tightrope is understanding and adapting to your ideal customer profile (ICP).


Your ICP is not static; it evolves as your business grows and matures. Initially, you might not have a clear picture of who your ideal customer is. It's only through the process of delivering services to various customers that patterns begin to emerge, highlighting the characteristics of those who are a good fit for your services.

For instance, after working with 50 customers, you might find that the most successful projects were with clients who shared five specific qualities. This realization then guides your future marketing and sales efforts, helping you target prospects who exhibit these traits.

However, the evolution of your ICP isn't the end of the road. Another critical aspect is knowing when and how to say no to potential engagements that don't align well with your company's strengths.


Identifying a misalignment between a prospective client's expectations and your company's capabilities can be challenging. Often, the desire to grow or the fear of losing a potential deal can cloud judgment. Yet, the key to long-term success lies in honest and transparent communication.

When faced with a potential client who is eager to work with you, it's vital to assess any red flags that might indicate a poor fit. Instead of proceeding in the hope that things might work out, have the courage to decline the project gracefully.

Start the conversation by explaining how you select clients based on certain criteria, which ensures you can deliver great outcomes. If the alignment isn't there, be clear about the reasons why, providing tangible examples. Offer to point them in the direction of another service provider that might be a better fit.

This approach not only preserves your brand's reputation but also builds respect. Clients appreciate honesty, and by avoiding assumptions about why you're declining the engagement, you protect your brand's image and ensure a professional parting of ways.


Honesty in business dealings is paramount. It not only helps in setting realistic expectations but also in building trust. When clients and service providers are on the same page about their capabilities and goals, the chances of successful collaborations increase exponentially.

In cases where the fit seems perfect but personal dynamics with the client may pose challenges, honesty still reigns supreme. It's okay to acknowledge that while everything looks good on paper, the personal working relationship might not be conducive to a successful project. This level of transparency might be hard to achieve, but it's crucial for long-term success and sanity.


Every engagement, successful or not, provides valuable learning opportunities. Whether it's refining your process for identifying ideal clients, navigating tough conversations, or understanding the technical intricacies of integrations and platforms, each experience contributes to your growth as a professional and your company's evolution.

eCommerce is a dynamic field, and staying relevant requires adaptability, continuous learning, and the ability to apply past learnings to new challenges. By embracing a mindset of growth, humility, and honesty, businesses can navigate the complexities of the digital retail landscape with confidence.


The journey through the eCommerce landscape is filled with constant learning and adaptation. Understanding your Ideal Customer Profile and being honest in your business engagements aren't just strategies; they're necessities for sustainable growth. By adopting a transparent approach and leveraging every engagement as a learning opportunity, businesses can not only survive but thrive in the ever-changing digital retail environment.

To learn more, check out the related THE ECOMMERCE EDGE Podcast episode below:


E166: Talking Automated eCommerce Demand Planning & Inventory Management at Scale w/ Adii Pienaar, Cogsy


E168: Talking Fashion eCommerce & Helping Customers Find THE Perfect Fit w/ Greg Moore, WAIR - At the ECOMMERCE EDGE