Understanding Enterprise SEO with Robin Allenson of Similar.ai

In a recent episode of the eCommerce Edge podcast, Jason Greenwood interviews Robin Allenson, co-founder and CEO of Similar.ai. They dive deep into the world of Enterprise SEO, discussing how Similar.ai is revolutionizing this space by automating many tedious and manual tasks involved in optimizing for search engines.

What is Enterprise SEO?

For many eCommerce businesses, SEO is about making their product listings more accessible to potential buyers. Traditional SEO usually involves describing products in a way that sellers and brands understand. However, Enterprise SEO focuses on making these descriptions buyer-centric.

Imagine you own an online store. You want your potential customers to find what they are searching for quickly and easily. If someone types "red boat dock dress" into Google, you want your product listings to show up at the top of the results. The challenge lies in aligning the way buyers search with the way your products are listed on the site. That’s where Enterprise SEO comes in.

Robin breaks down SEO into simpler terms. It’s about creating an amazing user experience on every page for a specific type of user. The goal is to make it easier for people to find and purchase products, which naturally leads to more revenue.

The Role of Similar.ai in Enterprise SEO

Similar.ai is an SEO platform designed to automate many of the tasks that were traditionally done manually. It uses AI to understand customer intent, clean and restructure pages, and create new content that matches search demand at scale.

One of the standout features of Similar.ai is its ability to identify gaps between what users are searching for and what is actually available on your site. Robin explains that it’s not just about creating individual pages for every keyword but understanding the broader topics that people are interested in. The AI technology groups related keywords and creates pages that can rank for these groups, avoiding the problem of keyword cannibalization.

Automation vs. Manual Processes

In the past, SEO involved a lot of manual work. Agencies would spend hours looking at internal site search queries and external search data to understand what terms people were using. They would then create new category pages or optimize existing ones to match these queries.

Similar.ai automates this entire process. The platform identifies pages that need to be created or optimized and automatically updates them based on current data. This not only saves time but ensures that your site is constantly updated to match the latest search trends.

Avoiding Cluttered Site Structures

A common concern when creating multiple SEO-friendly pages is that it could clutter your site's navigation structure. Robin clarifies that while creating hundreds or thousands of new pages, they don’t necessarily need to be in your main navigation menu. Modern eCommerce platforms allow for the creation of these pages without making them visible in the site's main menu.

These pages can still be included in your sitemap, have internal links, and be indexed by search engines without cluttering the user experience. This way, you can focus on providing a clean navigation structure for direct visitors while still capturing search engine traffic for specific queries.

Keeping Your Pages Updated

One of the challenges of manual SEO is keeping pages updated as your product catalog changes. Similar.ai automates this process, too. The platform ensures that new products are added to relevant pages and that out-of-stock items are removed. This dynamic updating keeps your pages relevant and ensures a great user experience.

SEO in B2B

SEO isn’t just for B2C or D2C businesses. B2B companies are also realizing the importance of SEO. Modern B2B buyers often start their search on Google, just like regular consumers. By making your product catalog visible and searchable, you can attract new B2B customers without relying solely on a field sales team.


Enterprise SEO is about more than just keywords. It’s about understanding your users’ intent and creating an excellent user experience. Similar.ai automates many of the manual tasks involved in this process, allowing businesses to scale their SEO efforts effectively.

By creating hyper-relevant landing pages that match user queries, keeping your product catalog updated and avoiding cluttered navigation structures, you can significantly improve both your SEO and conversion rates.

For more insights and to explore how Similar.ai can help your business, visit their website or connect with Robin Allenson on LinkedIn.

To learn more, check out the related THE ECOMMERCE EDGE Podcast episode below:


