E226: 📦B2B Commerce Corner #6 | Delivering B2B eCommerce Capabilities In a 65 Year Old Manufacturing Powerhouse - Michael Mangione, W. L. Gore

The Evolution of B2B eCommerce: Key Insights from Michael Mangione

In the ever-evolving world of business-to-business (B2B) eCommerce, companies are constantly seeking ways to enhance their digital presence and cater to the changing demands of their customers. This shift towards digital has only accelerated in the wake of recent global events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Michael Mangione, with his extensive background in digital marketing and eCommerce, offers a wealth of knowledge for brands looking to improve their B2B eCommerce experience.

Creating Outstanding B2B eCommerce Experiences

Michael Mangione, the Global Head of Digital Experience and Brand at W.L. Gore & Associates, is no stranger to the digital landscape. With a history working with Bose and other notable companies, Mangione brings a strong digital pedigree to the table. In our discussion, he emphasizes the need for B2B businesses to adopt a customer-centric approach to eCommerce. This approach not only meets customer expectations but also mirrors the ease and personalization they experience in B2C (business-to-consumer) transactions.

Building Internal Capabilities

A successful B2B eCommerce operation goes beyond just setting up a website. It requires cultivating internal capabilities and embedding digital expertise within the organization. Whether it's improving sales, service, or marketing efforts, digital tools can play a vital role in streamlining processes and offering better value to customers.

The Role of Sales Teams in Digital Transformation

Transitioning to digital requires getting everyone on board, especially sales teams who might feel threatened by the potential loss of commissions or personal customer interactions. However, integrating digital tools can actually empower sales representatives, reducing their administrative burdens and allowing them to focus on relationship-building and strategic conversations.

Customer-Driven Digital Adoption

When it comes to adopting new digital channels, customers can be both a driving force and a key to success. Understanding customer personas and their decision-making processes is crucial for designing digital solutions that will be readily adopted. Listening to customer feedback and adjusting strategies accordingly can lead to better adoption rates and overall satisfaction.

The Importance of Adoption and Change Management

It's not enough to merely launch a digital tool, like an eCommerce site. Planning for adoption and ongoing change management is vital. This includes having strategies in place to encourage customers to use the new digital platform and ensuring that internal teams are ready to support the new processes. Effective adoption is often achieved through close collaboration with those who are most familiar with the customers' needs.

The Path from MVP to Scalability

Starting with a minimum viable product (MVP) and then scaling up based on validated customer interest can be an effective way to grow digital capabilities. This approach allows businesses to test concepts, measure results, and make calculated decisions on when and how to expand their digital offerings.


As B2B commerce continues to evolve, companies like W.L. Gore & Associates are showing that a thoughtful, customer-centric approach to digital transformation can pave the way to success. By building internal capabilities, embracing digital tools, and fostering a collaborative environment, businesses can create eCommerce experiences that resonate with their customers and drive value for their brands. Michael Mangione's insights offer valuable lessons for any company looking to excel in the world of B2B eCommerce.

To learn more, check out the related THE ECOMMERCE EDGE Podcast episode below:


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