E216: 🎓Mentoring Moments #33 | Maximising eCommerce Conference Opportunities, Plotting a Viable Path to Self-Employment and More!

How to Maximize Your Value at eCommerce Conferences

Welcome to Mentoring Moments, a valuable sub-series of THE ECOMMERCE EDGE Podcast. In a recent mentoring session, Jason and Stephen discussed insightful strategies for making the most of eCommerce conferences, particularly when attending as a delegate. Let's delve into the key takeaways from their conversation.

Networking Beyond Content Absorption

Stephen and Jason highlighted the limited novelty of content presented at eCommerce conferences, emphasizing that valuable insights are seldom encountered. However, they emphasized the abundant opportunities for meaningful networking and relationship building outside of the scheduled content. Jason shared his personal success in networking, often yielding more value than traditional content consumption.

Maximizing Opportunities as a Delegate

Stephen discussed his experience at the eCommerce Live conference in Ireland, noting how as a delegate, he was able to engage in casual conversations that led to potential business opportunities. The low-pressure nature of these interactions provided a conducive environment for genuine connections to evolve.

Building Your Personal Brand

Jason emphasized the significance of building a personal brand and cultivating a strong online presence. He stressed that a well-established personal brand can greatly benefit one's employer and future career prospects. By sharing relevant content and engaging with a targeted audience, individuals can position themselves as industry thought leaders and expand their professional network.

The Power of Networking on LinkedIn

Stephen shared an anecdote about a seemingly innocuous LinkedIn post that eventually led to a substantial business deal. This demonstrated the tangible impact of social networking and personal branding, especially within a niche market. Jason echoed the sentiment, highlighting the long-term benefits that stem from consistent content creation and audience engagement.

Trusting the Process

Both Jason and Stephen emphasized the need to trust the journey of personal branding and content creation, even in the absence of immediate financial gains. They underscored the value of learning through trial and error, particularly when the audience is still in its early stages. This approach allows individuals to refine their message and storytelling techniques with minimal risk.


Attending eCommerce conferences as a delegate offers far-reaching possibilities beyond the formal content sessions. By prioritizing networking and brand building, individuals can extract significant value from these events, often leading to unforeseen business opportunities. Furthermore, embracing content creation and personal branding can yield long-term professional benefits, paving the way for enhanced career prospects and industry recognition.

To learn more, check out the related THE ECOMMERCE EDGE Podcast episode below:


E215: Democratising eCommerce Experience Personalisation Through AI Low/No Code SaaS Tech - Omri Katz, Dialogue


E217: 📦B2B Commerce Corner #3 | B2B Commerce Channel Selection, Channel Conflict & Amazon - Brian Beck, Enceiba & Master B2B