E202: Bringing ’Experiential Commerce’ to life for DTC Brands - Dhiraj Jain, dotkonnekt

A New Era for eCommerce: A Conversation with dotkonnekt Co-Founder and CEO, Dhiraj Jain

Hello again, team! You're about to hear my interview with Dhiraj Jain of dotkonnekt. dotkonnekt is a brand new, in final beta, eCommerce platform specifically targeted at mid-enterprise and larger D2C merchants. Enjoy this episode of THE eCommerce EDGE Podcast with host Jason Greenwood.


Welcome to another episode of the podcast. Today, we have an amazing guest, Dhiraj Jain, the co-founder and CEO of dotkonnekt. Diaraj is here to share all about his awesome Commerce technology.

The Mission Behind dotkonnekt

Dhiraj Jain shares the mission behind dotkonnekt, focusing on helping brands grow organically through their direct-to-consumer channel. He highlights the challenge of brands depending on performance marketing and the need to shift towards attracting consumers organically.

The Problem with Traditional eCommerce Platforms

Diaraj discusses the limitations of traditional eCommerce platforms, emphasizing the need for a platform that seamlessly integrates content, community engagement, and commerce.

The Need for a Purpose-Built Platform for Brands

The conversation delves into the necessity for a purpose-built platform for brands, addressing the challenges faced by mid-market brands outgrowing traditional eCommerce solutions like Shopify or Magento.

The Headless Approach and Composable Solutions

Diaraj explains how dotkonnekt adopts a headless approach, providing a composable solution that empowers marketing and merchandising teams to manage the platform without extensive technical knowledge.

Partner Ecosystem and Future Developments

The discussion touches on dotkonnekt's partnership approach, emphasizing the importance of a robust partner ecosystem and the platform's evolution towards unified commerce.


The interview concludes with Jason expressing his views on the challenges in integrating POS systems and the need for a fully integrated POS solution within the eCommerce platform.

To learn more, check out the related THE ECOMMERCE EDGE Podcast episode below:


E201: 🎓Mentoring Moments #27 | AI & Business Pivots, When to Close a Business, The Entrepreneurs Journey and More!


E203: Reinventing Commerce For The Trades Industry - Jason Bauder, Video Chat A Pro