E200: The Changing Face of SaaS, Bespoke Commerce Systems & The ’Dark Stack’ - Oliver Rhodes, Aalto Projects

The Journey of a Consulting Pro: An Interview with Oliver Rhodes

We often find ourselves captivated by the stories of individuals who have embarked on a journey to carve their own path in the professional world. In this episode of THE ECOMMERCE EDGE Podcast, host Jason Greenwood sits down with the dynamic Oliver Rhodes, founder of Aalto Projects, for a candid and insightful conversation about the unique challenges and triumphs of entrepreneurship in the consulting industry.

Taking a Different Course

In this episode, Jason and Oliver delve into their personal and professional backgrounds, shedding light on their experiences in the consulting game and the evolution of their careers. Oliver shares the significant transitions and learnings he has encountered while establishing his independent consultancy.

Embracing Change and Growth

Through this engaging conversation, Oliver candidly reflects on his journey from his tenure at Supply Compass to venturing into his own consultancy. He articulates the profound changes in his life, from professional shifts to personal milestones, such as relocating and the joys of parenthood.

Navigating the Complexities of Tech Consulting

Oliver showcases his deep expertise in the realm of Tech Consulting, shedding light on the significance of bespoke software solutions and the evolving landscape of technology integration. He offers valuable insights into the intricate balance between leveraging SAS platforms and the need for tailored, customized software to address diverse business needs effectively.

Unveiling the Dark Stack

The duo engages in a profound discussion about the complexities of the "dark stack," unraveling the challenges and opportunities associated with utilizing a variety of software and tools in the modern business landscape. Oliver's perspectives on the nuances of integrating low-code tools and the evolving spectrum of software solutions offer a refreshing take on addressing operational intricacies.

The Decision to Go Solo

Oliver candidly shares the pivotal decision-making process that led him to establish his own consultancy, delving into the personal insights and influences that shaped this transformative career move. He offers a unique perspective on the dynamics of transitioning from traditional employment to entrepreneurial endeavors.

Nurturing a Unique Consulting Approach

Throughout the conversation, Oliver's passion for bridging the gap between brands and solution vendors becomes evident. His dedication to providing actionable insights and fostering collaborative relationships with software vendors underscores his commitment to driving tangible value for his clientele.


The rich and introspective conversation between Jason and Oliver offers a compelling narrative of resilience, adaptation, and professional growth. It serves as a testament to the transformative power of entrepreneurship and the profound impact of insightful, client-focused consulting in the ever-evolving landscape of business and technology.

To learn more, check out the related THE ECOMMERCE EDGE Podcast episode below:


E199: 🎓Mentoring Moments #26 | Building and Delivering a ’Data as IP’ SaaS Platform, The Global Impacts of Higher Interest Rates and More!


E201: 🎓Mentoring Moments #27 | AI & Business Pivots, When to Close a Business, The Entrepreneurs Journey and More!