E195: 🎓Mentoring Moments #24 | Supporting New Hires, Vendor Partnership Models, Co-Marketing and More!

Elevating Your Leadership Skills and Building Strong Agency Partnerships

Welcome to Mentoring Moments! As a sub-series of THE ECOMMERCE EDGE Podcast, Mentoring Moments offers valuable insights and guidance from Jason's one-to-one and group mentorship sessions. In this session, Jason discusses the critical aspects of setting up team members for success and nurturing strong agency partnerships with Stephen Jones.

Setting Up Your Team for Success

Stephen Jones, a marketing professional with significant experience, raises essential questions about setting up a new hire for success within the organization. He emphasizes the need to ensure the new team member's productivity, value addition to the business, and most importantly, delivering value to the customers.

Shifting from Management to Leadership

Jason delves into the distinction between managing and leading employees. He emphasizes the significance of creating a supportive environment that nurtures initiative, leadership, and ownership among team members. The focus is on empowering employees to take charge, encouraging personal and professional growth, and creating a sense of security within the organization.

Understanding Employee Goals and Needs

The discussion also highlights the transient nature of employment in today's professional landscape and the importance of understanding employees' career and personal aspirations. By acknowledging and catering to individual developmental needs and ambitions, leaders can cultivate a mutually beneficial work environment.

Fostering Honest Communication

It is crucial for leaders to facilitate open and transparent dialogues with team members. Understanding what employees do not want to do can be as valuable as knowing their aspirations. By encouraging honesty and empathy, leaders can effectively align organizational and individual objectives.

Nurturing Strong Agency Partnerships

The conversation pivots to the strategic approach of building and nurturing agency partnerships, shedding light on the significance of creating mutually beneficial relationships.

Creating Value for Partners

Jason highlights the need for tech vendors to proactively support agency partners, focusing on providing clear commercial benefits and tailored enablement to cater to diverse partner requirements. The emphasis is on fostering an environment where both parties can thrive.

Building Community-Oriented Relationships

Acknowledging the power of community-driven interactions, the discussion underscores the significance of participating in and contributing to the communities where potential customers engage. By leveraging community dynamics, vendors can build brand presence and credibility organically.

Leveraging Customer Advocacy

Jason advocates for a customer-centric approach, highlighting the potential of customer advocacy in driving business growth. By empowering satisfied customers to advocate for the brand, vendors can amplify their impact and influence within the market.


In today's dynamic business landscape, effective leadership goes beyond traditional management practices, focusing on nurturing individual potential and fostering collaborative partnerships. By prioritizing employee development, fostering transparent communication, and embracing community-driven strategies, leaders and tech vendors can build resilient, customer-centric ecosystems that drive sustained success.

To learn more, check out the related THE ECOMMERCE EDGE Podcast episode below:


E194: AR in eCommerce UX/CX, Virtual Try On’s & More! - Manuel Messner, MAZING


E196: Efficient, Commerce Critical Product Data Optimisation Across Digital Channels - Jesse Wragg, eCommeleon