E189: 🎓Mentoring Moments #22 | Custom ’Wait State Indicators’, Common Pitfalls For New eCommerce Businesses, The Perfect Co-Founder Trifecta and More!

Mastering the eCommerce Game: Insights from a One-on-One Mentorship Session

eCommerce has taken the world by storm, propelling forward with the elegance of a origami cat gliding across your screen. Yes, you read that right. Imagine having a custom-developed origami cat as your page-loading animation. Intrigued? Well, that’s just the start of the rabbit hole we're about to dive into from a recent mentorship session I had the pleasure of eavesdropping on. Picture this: a one-on-one session filled with golden nuggets of wisdom on eCommerce, peppered with real-world advice, and you’ve got yourself a recipe for success. Let’s unpack the treasure trove of insights, shall we?

Finding Your eCommerce Yoda

The session kicked off with the age-old question: where does one find a Shopify developer wizard capable of conjuring an origami cat out of the digital ether? The simple answer? Animated GIFs are your new best friend. But if you want something more bespoke, like a JavaScript creation that dances to the tune of your website's loading, it’s time to dive into the freelancer pool.

Here’s a pro tip: Save your coins by steering clear of agencies for these one-off tasks. Your wallet will thank you. Instead, take a walk on the wild side with platforms like LinkedIn, Fiverr, and UpWork. And let’s not forget the Shopify Partner Directory - it's like Tinder but for finding Shopify developers. Swipe right on a match that fits your budget and project needs, and you're golden.

The Lowdown on Load Times

Now, onto the sexy topic of wait state indicators. Think of them as the spinning wheel of anticipation that keeps you company while a page loads. Switching out the generic for something more you, like an animated GIF or a custom JavaScript loader, can add that chef’s kiss of personality to your site. And before you worry about it weighing down your site faster than a lead balloon, rest easy. These custom loaders are more like feathers on the scale of page load times.

The Perils of Premature Scaling

Imagine your eCommerce store as a rocket. Now, before you hit the throttle, thinking you're ready to break the stratosphere, consider this: premature scaling is the fastest way to turn your rocket ship into a spectacular fireworks display (and not the good kind). It's like expecting to run before your baby legs have learned to walk. So, hold your horses, or in this case, your rockets.

The reality is eCommerce is a tough cookie, tougher than grandma's overbaked oatmeal raisins. It requires more dough, both literally and metaphorically, than you’d think. And with the online marketplace more crowded than a subway at rush hour, getting your brand to stand out without breaking the bank is akin to finding a needle in a haystack. A very expensive haystack.

The Almighty Dollar Shave Club Model - Not

Remember the Dollar Shave Club? An excellent example of a brand that hit the ground running, grabbing market share by the beard. However, building your eCommerce empire on the premise of undercut prices and dreaming of profitability "one day in the future" is like expecting a unicorn to gallantly arrive and solve all your problems. Spoiler alert: that unicorn ain't coming. Price your products from the get-go with profitability in mind, or prepare to join the graveyard of could-have-been eCommerce unicorns.

Operations - The Unsung Hero of eCommerce

Here's the thing - operations are the backbone of your eCommerce body. Neglect it, and you've got a recipe for disaster faster than you can say "back pain." From integrating with accounting systems to getting cozy with shipping carriers, it's the operational efficiencies that keep the wheels turning. Think of it like organizing a rock concert. Sure, the band (your products) needs to be top-notch, but without the roadies (operations) working behind the scenes, the show's not going on.

Conclusion: Your eCommerce Mixtape

And there you have it - an eCommerce mixtape full of hits from a mentorship session that’s as enlightening as it is entertaining. From finding your Shopify Yoda to the perils of premature scaling, and the unsung hero of eCommerce operations, it’s clear that success in the online marketplace is more than just a catchy headline or a flashy product. It requires strategy, patience, and a whole lot of backend savvy.

So, whether you're a newbie navigating the treacherous waters of eCommerce or a seasoned captain steering your ship towards profitability, remember - every mentorship session, every piece of advice, is another note in your symphony of success. Play it well, and may the eCommerce force be with you.

To learn more, check out the related THE ECOMMERCE EDGE Podcast episode below:


E188: Disruptive Retail - How Virtual Clienteling & ’Live Commerce’ Bring the In-Store Experience Home - Patrick Jacobs, Immerss


E190: Supporting the Explosion in Digital Product eCommerce Sellers - Daniele Servadei, Sellix