E187: 🎓Mentoring Moments #21 | The ’Why’ of Native SaaS Integrations, ’Social Selling’, Building a Dev Team as a Non-Technical Founder and More!

Navigating the Wild World of eCommerce Mentoring: Lessons from the Trenches

Ever find yourself stuck in the quicksand of eCommerce entrepreneurship, desperately seeking a lifeline to pull you out? Fear not, fellow digital warriors, for there is a beacon of hope: mentoring. And I'm not just talking about any kind of mentoring. Buckle up as we dive into the world of eCommerce mentoring, featuring insights, facepalms, and "aha!" moments from the legendary Jason and his wise mentees. Welcome to the rollercoaster ride of growth, exploration, and the occasional existential crisis that defines the eCommerce mentoring journey.

The Thrills of Transformation

Starting us off on this wild ride is our intrepid explorer, venturing into a new role amidst the pandemonium of, well, a global pandemic. The shift from a behind-the-scenes mastermind to the suave face of partner management isn't for the faint of heart. Imagine stepping out from the wings onto center stage, spotlight glaring down, and realizing...you need to figure out your lighting setup. It’s like going from tech support to becoming the next YouTube sensation overnight. But fear not, our hero is armed with determination and an eagerness to dive into the partner-based future of eCommerce platforms.

Embracing Integration: A Love Story

Jason, our eCommerce sage, takes us on a journey into the heart of integration. Imagine your live chat platform not just being a sidekick but the superhero in your customer service arsenal. It's not just about saying hello; it's about knowing your customer's life story (or at least their order history) at the click of a button. We're talking seamless, real-time, two-way conversations that make Casanova look like an amateur in the art of smooth talking.

But it's not all sunshine and rainbows. The path to integration nirvana is fraught with potholes, cobblestones, and the occasional fallen tree. It takes a brave soul to navigate these challenges without getting a few bruises along the way.

The Art of Subtle Selling

In a plot twist worthy of a telenovela, we discover that the best way to win over customers isn't through an onslaught of "Buy Now!" ads but by wooing them with knowledge, entertainment, and an occasional dad joke. Jason schools us on the fine art of playing hard to get with your content, creating a magnetic attraction that turns casual followers into devout disciples, all without uttering a single "Please buy our stuff."

Assembling the Avengers: The Tech Team Saga

Enter Adam, the bicycle mechanic turned software startup savant, navigating the steep cliffs of building a development team. Picture trying to assemble the Avengers, but instead of superheroes, you're trying to recruit tech wizards who can code their way out of a paper bag and don't roll their eyes at your non-tech background. Our fearless leader contemplates the delicate dance between hiring local talent versus teleporting devs from distant lands, all while trying to decipher the arcane language of coding.

Finding Your Tech Soul Mate

The quest for a technical co-founder resembles an epic journey through Middle-earth, full of trials, tribulations, and the occasional fire-breathing dragon (also known as coding bugs). But fear not, for there are hidden gems and potential allies lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to join your cause and bring your vision to life.

Concluding Our Tale of eCommerce Heroism

Our journey through the mentoring moments of the eCommerce realm teaches us that growth, change, and learning are not just buzzwords but the very essence of this wild, wonderful world. From the brave leap into the unknown to the quest for the ultimate tech partner, the path is filled with laughter, learning, and a few facepalm-worthy moments.

So, here's to the bold entrepreneurs, the tech wizards, and the seasoned mentors who guide us through the thicket of eCommerce challenges. May your platforms be sturdy, your partnerships fruitful, and your content ever-engaging. And remember, in the vibrant tapestry of online entrepreneurship, every stitch, no matter how small, contributes to the masterpiece that is your business journey.

To learn more, check out the related THE ECOMMERCE EDGE Podcast episode below:


E186: The No/Low Code Revolution is Here! Bubble, Airtable, Zapier & Loom All Rolled Into One? - Jeremy Redman, TaskMagic


E188: Disruptive Retail - How Virtual Clienteling & ’Live Commerce’ Bring the In-Store Experience Home - Patrick Jacobs, Immerss