E184: Next Gen eCommerce Promotions With High Engagement QR Codes & Social ’Screenshots’ - w/ Tanya Sardana, Flyshot

Revolutionizing eCommerce Promotions with Flyshot: A Deep Dive with CEO Tanya Sardana

In the bustling, ever-evolving world of eCommerce, standing out can feel like trying to be heard at a Metallica concert—practically impossible without some serious amplification. Enter Flyshot, a promotions management SaaS platform that's cranking up the volume for brands in the digital sphere. Recently, I had the pleasure of diving deep into the brains behind the operation, Tanya Sardana, co-founder and CEO of Flyshot, and oh boy, was it a ride.

The Genesis of Flyshot: From Influencer Marketing to Promotions Powerhouse

Picture this: you're Tanya Sardana, digital marketing lead at L'Oreal, swimming in influencer campaigns but drowning in the inability to track actual conversions. It's like planning the party of the century but having no clue who's going to show up. That's where the lightbulb moment for Flyshot sparked. Originally envisioned as an influencer marketing platform, Flyshot pivoted like a pro basketball player into a full-blown promotions juggernaut.

Tanya's journey wasn't just a hop, skip, and a jump away from her previous gigs. With stints at L'Oreal and as director of communications for Global Live, Tanya had the digital tech and entrepreneurial spirit running through her veins. Flyshot wasn't just a new venture; it was destiny calling.

How Does Flyshot Actually Work?

Imagine you're scrolling through Instagram, and bam, a wild discount appears! But instead of a usual promo code that you'll forget faster than you can say "What was I doing again?",Flyshot uses QR codes. And not just any QR codes—these bad boys are the key to a seamless, almost magical promotion redemption process that involves taking a screenshot of the ad and uploading it at checkout. High intent, low hassle.

Flyshot's tech isn't just about making life easier for shopaholics worldwide; it's about hitting the sweet spot between profitable promotions and minimizing returns. Because let's face it, no one likes to deal with the aftermath of impulsive buys—neither customers nor brands.

Why Screenshots, Though?

Well, my friends, in our screenshot-happy world, Flyshot recognized that consumers love to snap pics of potential buys or deals to mull over them later. It's like digital window shopping but with a personal assistant reminding you, "Hey, you loved this, remember?" This approach taps into a fundamental shift in consumer behavior—the desire to not miss out (FOMO is real) combined with the need for thoughtful purchasing.

By embedding QR codes in promotional imagery, Flyshot ensures that consumers can easily access and redeem promotions when they're good and ready. This means higher conversion rates for brands and fewer returns due to buyer's remorse. It's a win-win.

The Future Looks Bright (and Less Cluttered)

Talking about the future, Flyshot isn't just resting on its laurels. With plans to integrate deeper into the eCommerce ecosystem, including partnerships with Shopify and WooCommerce (to name just a few), Flyshot is on the brink of becoming the go-to solution for smarter, more sustainable promotions.

The Takeaway

So, what have we learned from our chat with Tanya Sardana? That Flyshot is not just another SaaS platform—it's a game-changer in the world of eCommerce promotions. It's about giving consumers the power to choose when and how they engage with promotions, all while making the process as frictionless as taking a screenshot. For brands, it's about driving sales without driving up returns, a balance as delicate as a soufflé but potentially just as satisfying.

In a digital landscape that's as crowded as a New York subway at rush hour, Flyshot is the breath of fresh air that eCommerce has been waiting for. So, next time you're screenshotting your way through potential purchases, remember: Flyshot is paving the way for smarter shopping, one QR code at a time.

To learn more, check out the related THE ECOMMERCE EDGE Podcast episode below:


E183: Retail eCommerce Reimagined - w/ Matteo Grassi, Popup


E185: 🎓Mentoring Moments #20 | Launching a Digital Product, Retail Indicators for 2023, Retail Mobile Apps and More!