E178: SEO is Dead - Long Live SEO! - w/ Jono Alderson, Yoast

Navigating the Winds of SEO with Yoast's Jono Alderson

Ever found yourself deep in the digital trenches, battling the ever-changing algorithms of Google, desperately trying to make your mark in the eCommerce or digital space? Well, pull up a chair, dear reader, because I have got a story for you. In a world saturated with so-called "SEO experts" and digital marketing "gurus," it's rare to come across a voice that cuts through the noise with wisdom, insight, and a dash of British humor. Enter Jono Alderson from Yoast, the man who's seen it all from the cozy confines of his not-so-sunny Yorkshire abode.

The Man Behind the SEO Magic

Jono Alderson, a name synonymous with SEO wizardry, began his journey as a bedroom web developer at the tender age of 13. With no formal education in marketing, business, or tech, Jono winged it through the digital realm, riding the waves of the Golden Age of the internet. His venture into the digital marketing agency world, a detour through Salesforce mastery (an experience he'd rather forget), and ultimately, his landing at Yoast, reads like a script from a tech aficionado’s dream.

The Yoast Odyssey

For those in the dark, Yoast is akin to the Holy Grail of SEO tools for WordPress users. It’s the beacon that guides lost websites to the shores of Google's front pages. Alderson's arrival at Yoast, prompted by a friendship formed with Yoast’s developer over shared conference circuits, marked the beginning of an era. Thrust into the role of Head of Special Ops, Jono was the proverbial knight in shining armor, navigating the kingdom of Yoast through the evolving landscapes of digital marketing and SEO.

Yoast in the Wild

Imagine if you will, Yoast as the Swiss Army knife of SEO tools. Running on a staggering 14 million websites, it’s a testament to the platform's ubiquity and necessity in the digital marketing ecosystem. With the capability to turn WordPress and Shopify sites from search engine wallflowers to the belle of the ball, Yoast simplifies SEO in a way that even your grandmother could understand (no offense, grandma).

From creating sitemaps that scream "Here I am!" to search engines, to providing real-time feedback on content optimization and readability, Yoast is the digital compass steering websites to SEO success. It's not just about getting you to the party; it's about turning you into the life of it.

SEO: Dead or Alive?

In a digital landscape littered with the carcasses of outdated SEO tactics, the "SEO is dead" narrative gets tossed around more often than a salad at a vegan potluck. But according to Alderson, SEO is very much alive; it's just evolved. The battlefield may have changed, but the war for organic visibility rages on. With search engines getting smarter, the focus has shifted from exploiting algorithms to genuinely providing value to the end user. It's no longer about gaming the system but about being the best answer to the questions being asked.

The Future According to Yoast

As we hurtle towards a cookie-less future, filled with privacy regulations tighter than your jeans after Thanksgiving, the role of SEO and platforms like Yoast becomes even more critical. The digital marketing world stands on the precipice of change, and Yoast, with Alderson at the helm, is ready to navigate these turbulent waters.


Jono Alderson, with his blend of humor, expertise, and a genuine passion for the digital world, reminds us that at the heart of SEO is the simple goal of connecting people with the answers, products, and services they seek online. Yoast isn’t just an SEO plugin; it’s a beacon for those wandering the vast digital landscape, searching for visibility in a sea of obscurity. So, whether you're a seasoned digital marketer or a small business owner just dipping your toes into the online world, let Yoast be your guide. And remember, in the ever-changing world of SEO, staying adaptable, educated and most importantly, human is the key to success.

To learn more, check out the related THE ECOMMERCE EDGE Podcast episode below:


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