E174: The Art & Science of Real Time AI Chatbot eCommerce Price Negotiation w/ Rosie Bailey, Nibble - At the ECOMMERCE EDGE

Revolutionizing eCommerce with Nibble: The Art of Negotiation Meets Digital Commerce

In the ever-evolving world of eCommerce, the quest for innovative ways to enhance customer experience and boost sales is endless. Enter Nibble, a groundbreaking technology that brings the age-old practice of negotiation into the digital age, transforming the way we think about pricing and customer engagement online. In a candid discussion with Rosie Bailey, co-founder of Nibble, we uncover the mechanics, benefits and future of this unique technology, hosted by Jason Greenwood.

The Genesis of Nibble: From Istanbul Markets to eCommerce Innovation

The inception of Nibble was inspired by a real-life haggling experience in the bustling markets of Istanbul. Rosie Bailey shares how the simple joy and mutual satisfaction derived from successful negotiation spurred the idea: why not replicate this in eCommerce? This led to the formation of Nibble, a platform co-founded with Jamie, combining Rosie's data-driven, sales-oriented background with Jamie's creativity and product design prowess.

Nibble in Action: A Seamless and Enjoyable Negotiating Experience

Nibble is a chatbot integrated into eCommerce websites, enabling customers to negotiate prices in real time. With its quick, 60-second process, Nibble facilitates a natural language negotiation, resulting in a win-win outcome for both the retailer and the consumer. Remarkably, about 50% of conversations with Nibble lead to a successful agreement, highlighting its efficiency and effectiveness in eCommerce transactions.

Why Negotiate?

You might wonder, why introduce negotiation to eCommerce? The answer is simple: negotiation is already a part of the eCommerce landscape, albeit in a less direct form. From loyalty discounts to special offers for bulk purchases, retailers constantly adjust prices to attract and retain customers. Nibble just makes this process more interactive, engaging and personalized.

The Benefits of Nibble: Beyond Just Conversion Rates

While improving conversion rates is a significant advantage, Nibble's impact goes beyond that. It enhances customer engagement by making the purchasing process more interactive and enjoyable. Customers appreciate the opportunity to negotiate, which often leads to increased customer loyalty and satisfaction. Furthermore, Nibble allows retailers to maintain more control over their pricing strategy, avoiding the pitfalls of across-the-board discounts or promotions that might dilute brand value.

A Meeting of Minds: The Psychology of Negotiation

Negotiation isn't just about numbers; it's a psychological dance. Nibble leverages behavioural science principles, such as anchoring and the power of reasoning, to create more meaningful interactions. For instance, explaining why a certain price is fair (e.g., it's a fair trade product) can lead to a more satisfactory negotiation outcome for both parties. This psychological aspect underscores the importance of seeing negotiation as a tool for connection and understanding, not just a means to an economic end.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Nibble and eCommerce Negotiation

Nibble's roadmap is as ambitious as it is promising. With plans to integrate more deeply with inventory management systems and explore new markets, the potential for Nibble to revolutionize eCommerce is immense. As more retailers seek innovative ways to engage customers and drive sales, technologies like Nibble are poised to lead the charge, making the digital shopping experience more dynamic, personalized and enjoyable.


In an era where personalization and customer engagement are paramount, Nibble offers a fresh, interactive approach to eCommerce that benefits both retailers and consumers. By reintroducing the art of negotiation into the digital marketplace, Nibble not only enhances the shopping experience but also fosters a deeper connection between brands and their customers. As we look to the future, it's clear that Nibble is not just a tool but a harbinger of a more interactive, engaging and satisfying eCommerce world.

To learn more, check out the related THE ECOMMERCE EDGE Podcast episode below:


E173: 🎓Mentoring Moments #15 | ’State of the eCommerce Nation’, Retention vs Acquisition, ’Phygital’ ROI Opportunities, Value of Integration/Automation and More!


E175: 🎓Mentoring Moments #16 | Key Omni-Channel KPI’s, Containing CAC via Z/1P Data, Agency/Vendor Partnership Management and More!