E164: Talking Consumer Like CX for B2B Fintech w/ Reed Switzer & Thomas Rein, Hopscotch


Welcome back to the blog, where we explore the fascinating shifts and innovations in the digital and eCommerce landscape. Today, we're zoning into an area ripe for disruption: B2B payments. I recently had the pleasure of learning about a game-changing startup called Hopscotch, which is taking this sector by storm. Let's dive into how Hopscotch is making B2B payments easy, efficient and dare we say, enjoyable...


In the world of startups, few names have been buzzing as much as Hopscotch. This innovative payment platform has been catching eyes across the board, from features in Insider and Payments.com to social media buzz. What makes Hopscotch stand out is its fresh take on B2B payments, a sector known more for its sluggish pace than innovation.

Hopscotch's journey began with a simple yet powerful observation: paying vendors with paper checks, an outdated and inefficient method still prevalent in 2022. From the desire to streamline this process, Hopscotch was born, aiming to bring the ease and speed of consumer-grade payment experiences to the B2B world.


The brains behind Hopscotch include CEO Reed Switzer and Head of Product Strategy, Thomas Rein. Reed a young innovator making significant waves in fintech at just 22, along with Thomas, drives the product vision and go-to-market strategy. Their collective mission is clear: transform B2B payments from its notoriously boring state into an intuitive, fast, and free experience.


The issue Hopscotch tackles is deeply rooted in the traditional B2B payment mechanisms still dominating the US market. With a shocking 40-45% of B2B transactions still conducted via paper checks, the urgency for a shift is undeniable. This reliance on antiquated methods not only slows down commerce but also invites unnecessary complications and risks.


Hopscotch is betting big on recreating the consumer payment experience in the B2B arena. They observed how seamlessly and effortlessly payments are made in personal transactions, thanks to apps like Venmo and Cash App, and wondered, "Why can't B2B payments be this easy?"

Enter Hopscotch: a platform designed to simplify everything from sending invoices to receiving payments with a few clicks. But what truly sets them apart is their innovative approach to financing. Hopscotch offers a unique feature called invoice financing, acting as a cash flow lifesaver for businesses caught in the net of delayed payments. This not only aids in maintaining a steady operations tempo but also positions Hopscotch as a vital tool in a company's arsenal for managing finances.


Hopscotch isn't stopping at making payments easier. They're also addressing the significant pain point of cash flow gaps with their Hopscotch Flow feature. This offering allows businesses instant access to the money owed to them, without the predatory fees associated with traditional factoring or loans. It's a testament to Hopscotch's commitment to empowering small and medium businesses by providing tools that are not only practical but also financially sensible.


What's next for Hopscotch? The team is keen on staying focused on the B2B payments market, which remains largely untapped and full of potential. While they've already made impressive strides, the journey ahead promises even more innovation and growth. With their solid foundation and user-centric approach, Hopscotch is well on its way to becoming a staple tool for businesses looking to streamline their financial operations.


The B2B payment sector is undergoing a long-overdue transformation, and Hopscotch is leading the charge. By blending the ease of consumer payment apps with the complex needs of B2B transactions, Hopscotch is setting a new standard for how businesses handle money. It's more than just a payment platform; it's a movement towards a more efficient, transparent, and hassle-free business world.

For businesses stuck in the era of paper checks and cumbersome payment processes, Hopscotch represents a beacon of hope. It's time to move forward and Hopscotch is paving the way.

To learn more, check out the related THE ECOMMERCE EDGE Podcast episode below:


E163: 🎓Mentoring Moments #10 | Building eCommerce Side Hustles, Drop Shipping & Subscriptions, Prioritising Content Creation and More!


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