E147: 🎓Mentoring Moments #2 | Agency Scaling, Pricing Agency Services, Managing KPI Expectations as an eCommerce Manager and More!


In the bustling world of digital agencies, the journey from a boutique setup to a mega agency is fraught with strategic decisions and operational challenges. Jason Greenwood, a seasoned expert in eCCOMERCE and digital retail, recently shared his wisdom on this topic at THE ECOMMERCE EDGE Podcast. Through his new sub-series 'Mentoring Moments,' Jason offers an invaluable glimpse into the mentorship sessions that tackle these very challenges. In this post, we'll distill the essence of Jason's insights, shedding light on the different paths digital agencies can take and how they navigate the complexities of growth and scalability.


The digital agency landscape can be broadly categorized into three main segments: boutique, mid-size, and large or mega agencies. Each of these segments has its unique set of characteristics, goals and challenges.

* Boutique Agencies: Typically comprising 1-5 team members, these agencies prioritize depth over breadth, opting to remain small by design. The focus here is on maintaining flexibility and choosing projects that are the best fit for both the agency and clients.

* Mid-Size Agencies: With a team size ranging from 5 to about 100 in a given region, mid-size agencies seek to achieve a balance between scale and selectivity. They aim for regional dominance without necessarily aspiring for global reach or massive expansion.

* Large to Mega Agencies: These agencies, boasting a team of 100 to 10,000, are on a quest for hyper-scale. They continuously acquire smaller agencies to penetrate new regions and expand their footprint, mirroring conglomerates like Publicis or the Accenture group.


Jason Greenwood, who has chosen the boutique agency path, highlights the unparalleled flexibility this model offers. By staying small, boutique agencies can carefully select projects that truly align with their expertise and values. This selective approach enables a closer, more personalized partnership with clients, ensuring both parties are the right fit for each other.

However, the boutique model also comes with its challenges. The primary concern is sustainability—ensuring a steady stream of work without the pressure to scale up aggressively to meet payroll demands. Greenwood articulates the delicate balance boutique agencies must strike between managing growth and maintaining their essence.


As agencies grow, they face the inevitable complexities of scaling. The transition from a small to a mid-size or large agency often involves a vicious cycle of taking on new work to feed the growing team, which in turn requires taking on even more work. This dynamic can strain resources, dilute the agency's focus, and lead to compromises on project selectivity.

Greenwood points out that scalability isn't just about growing in size; it's about managing growth smartly to avoid the trap of unsustainable expansion. For agencies that reach a certain size, it becomes a choice between further rapid growth or scaling back to maintain quality and focus.


In a boutique setup, adjusting pricing and managing client expectations become critical aspects of staying afloat. Greenwood shares that if about 10% of prospects aren't balking at your prices, they might be too low. This feedback mechanism serves as a barometer for assessing whether an agency has successfully carved out a niche that warrants higher fees for their specialized service.

Moreover, boutique agencies face the challenge of managing demand with limited capacity. Flexibility in scheduling and transparent communication about timelines are key to handling this challenge gracefully.


Despite these hurdles, working in, or with, a digital agency is a rich learning ground. It offers a fast-paced environment where one can quickly gain exposure to a wide array of business models, projects and technologies.

For those in the digital agency arena or considering entering it, embracing the inherent challenges as opportunities for growth and learning is crucial. Whether it's navigating pricing strategies, managing scalability, or ensuring the right client fit, each hurdle offers a chance to refine and strengthen the agency's approach.


The digital agency landscape offers various paths, each with its unique set of rewards and challenges. Boutique agencies, in particular, exemplify the value of staying small, selective, and focused in a world that often equates success with size. Through careful strategy, a focus on fit, and an agile approach to growth, digital agencies can thrive across the spectrum, delivering exceptional service and creating lasting impact.

To learn more, check out the related THE ECOMMERCE EDGE Podcast episode below:


E146: Talking eCommerce System Integration & Automation w/ Mark Presnell, Convergence


E148: Talking Influencer Marketing Relationship Management & Automation w/ Nisarg Shah, Affable