Elevating B2B eCommerce: A Conversation with Jay Schneider

B2B eCommerce is evolving faster than ever. Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing Jay Schneider, founder of Flywheel B2B and B2B Squared. His insights on the current state of B2B eCommerce and the need for advanced marketing automation in the industry are invaluable.

Jay's new venture, Flywheel B2B, is a marketing automation platform designed specifically for B2B eCommerce merchants. The platform addresses a significant gap in the industry by offering advanced marketing automation to B2B brands. This technology, combined with Jay's expertise, aims to simplify the adoption of digital marketing for B2B merchants.

The State of B2B eCommerce

The B2B eCommerce landscape has changed dramatically over the past year. With a growing number of millennial buyers in the B2B space, the expectation for digital solutions is rising. B2B brands can no longer afford to ignore eCommerce. They're recognizing that a robust eCommerce presence is now table stakes.

One key point Jay made is the increasing importance of adopting platform approaches in B2B. Platforms that integrate seamlessly with ERP systems, manage product catalogs, and provide dynamic pricing models are becoming essential. AI is also playing a crucial role in product data enrichment, making it easier and faster for companies to manage their data.

The Tipping Point in B2B

Jay believes we're nearing a tipping point in B2B eCommerce. Historically, B2B brands have been slower to adopt digital channels compared to their B2C counterparts. However, the pandemic accelerated the need for digital transformation. There's now a growing realization that B2B eCommerce isn't just a nice-to-have; it's a necessity.

Data is crucial in this transformation. B2B brands need to see both product and customer data as investable assets. Companies that excel in managing and leveraging their data will have a significant competitive advantage.

The Role of Marketing Automation

One of the biggest gaps in B2B eCommerce, according to Jay, is the lack of sophisticated marketing automation tools. While the B2C world has mature tools like Klaviyo and Dotdigital, the B2B sector has struggled to find solutions tailored to its unique needs.

Flywheel B2B aims to change that. It offers a platform that integrates with existing systems, pulling data from CRMs, ERPs, and PIMs to create automated, data-driven marketing campaigns. These campaigns can include personalized emails and SMS messages, making it easier for B2B brands to engage with their customers.

Jay also highlighted the importance of customer amplification. In B2B, it's not just about retaining customers; it's about growing their lifetime value. By using data to create personalized marketing campaigns, B2B brands can drive more revenue through their digital channels.

Overcoming Challenges in B2B eCommerce

Jay pointed out several challenges B2B eCommerce brands face, including messy data, limited resources, and the need for a mindset shift. B2B brands often have fragmented data scattered across different systems. AI and machine learning can help clean and enrich this data, making it more usable for marketing purposes.

Another significant challenge is the lack of digital marketing expertise in B2B companies. Many B2B brands don't have dedicated marketing teams, relying instead on salespeople to drive demand. Flywheel B2B addresses this by offering a service layer that helps companies set up and manage their marketing automation.

Future Trends in B2B eCommerce

Looking ahead, Jay is optimistic about the future of B2B eCommerce. He believes that the adoption of digital channels will continue to grow, driven by the increasing demand from millennial buyers. He also sees a big opportunity in AI-driven data solutions that can provide actionable insights and drive personalized marketing campaigns.

In terms of Flywheel B2B's roadmap, Jay is focused on learning from their initial customers to continually improve the platform. He believes that as more companies adopt Flywheel B2B, they'll uncover new insights that can help drive even better results.


B2B eCommerce is at a pivotal moment. The shift towards digital channels is accelerating, and companies that embrace this change will thrive. With tools like Flywheel B2B, brands can leverage advanced marketing automation to engage their customers more effectively and drive greater revenue. The key to success lies in data—managing it, leveraging it, and using it to create personalized, impactful marketing campaigns. As Jay Schneider's insights reveal, the future of B2B eCommerce is bright, and the time to act is now.

To learn more, check out the related THE ECOMMERCE EDGE Podcast episode below:


